Articles on: Profile and Account

How do I register?

To register, go to the page: After that you can click on Register now! at the registration window.

A new window will open in which you must fill in all mandatory information (fields marked in yellow). In addition, you must accept the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. Click on the Checkbox (1.). Optionally, you can also activate the checkbox (2.) to receive tips, news and offers about smino by e-mail. Next, click on the Register button (3.).

Next, step 2 "Join organization" follows automatically:

You can search and click your organization in the yellow highlighted field. After that, click on the Apply for membership button.

If your organization is not yet registered on smino, click on one of the two buttons Register organization (1.) and fill in at least the mandatory information in the yellow marked fields in the following window. Also, define whether the organization type should be "Company" or "Private Party" by clicking the corresponding option (1.). After that, click the Save button (2.). You can also join the organization at a later stage and Skip this step (2.) and click the Next button (3.).

Information: Companies are organizations such as sole proprietorships, GmbHs or AGs. By default, they are visible to third parties in the global address database. Private parties are private individuals such as buyers and tenants. They are not visible to third parties in the global address database.

Click the Next button to complete the registration.

Click on the Start button.

Updated on: 22/06/2023

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