How can another person collaborate on my protocol?
Information: With a read right, invitations and minutes of this series of meetings can be read. With a write right, invitations and minutes of this session series can be created and edited, minutes can be checked and released, and other persons and organisations can be granted rights.
Note: You must already have write access to the session series yourself in order to use this function.
1st option:
Navigate to the overview of the session series and click on the three dots (1.) at the desired session series. Then you can click on Rights Management (2.).
You can grant read and/or write permission by checking and unchecking the checkboxes (1.). If necessary, you can filter by persons, organisations, roles and rights (areas marked in yellow). Then click on the Save button (2.).
2nd option:
Navigate to the desired session row and click on the three dots (1.). Then click on Rights Management (2.).
You can now grant read and/or write permission by checking and unchecking the checkboxes (1.). If necessary, you can filter by persons, organisations, roles and rights (areas marked in yellow). Then click on the Save button (2.).
Note: The person who publishes the protocol is identified as the author.
Note: You must already have write access to the session series yourself in order to use this function.
1st option:
Navigate to the overview of the session series and click on the three dots (1.) at the desired session series. Then you can click on Rights Management (2.).
You can grant read and/or write permission by checking and unchecking the checkboxes (1.). If necessary, you can filter by persons, organisations, roles and rights (areas marked in yellow). Then click on the Save button (2.).
2nd option:
Navigate to the desired session row and click on the three dots (1.). Then click on Rights Management (2.).
You can now grant read and/or write permission by checking and unchecking the checkboxes (1.). If necessary, you can filter by persons, organisations, roles and rights (areas marked in yellow). Then click on the Save button (2.).
Note: The person who publishes the protocol is identified as the author.
Updated on: 20/06/2023
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