Articles on: Session Series

How do I create a new session series?

Click on Protocols (1.) and select a session serie (2.).

Note: The different types are predefined and can not be adjusted or extended.

Click on one of the two buttons + New Session Series.

Fill in at least the mandatory information (yellow highlighted areas). Optionally, select the Export Templates (1.). Click on the Next button (2.).

Note: To create a personalised protocol template, please contact We will be happy to make you an offer.

Decide whether you want to grant rights to individual persons (1.) or entire organisations (1.). Give the respective persons and organisations read and/or write permission by clicking the corresponding checkbox (2.). If necessary, you can search or filter for persons, organisations, roles and rights (areas marked in yellow). Then click on the Next button (3.).

Check your entries and create the session series by clicking on the Save button.

Updated on: 20/06/2023

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