How do I add people to the distribution list of a protocol?
All persons registered in the project under Contacts can be added to the distribution list of the protocol. Open the corresponding protocol, select the search field (yellow highlighted area) in the "Distribution list" section and search for the desired person.

Click on the person. The person is thus added to the "Participants" column.

Information: If necessary, drag and drop a person that you have added under "Participants" into the "Excused" or "Other" colu

Note: All people who are in the distribution list can view the minutes after they are published. => Rights management - Who sees my protocols?

Click on the person. The person is thus added to the "Participants" column.

Information: If necessary, drag and drop a person that you have added under "Participants" into the "Excused" or "Other" colu

Note: All people who are in the distribution list can view the minutes after they are published. => Rights management - Who sees my protocols?
Updated on: 25/09/2023
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