How do I create new entries in a schedule?
After you have created a schedule, you can edit the schedule by adding tasks and milestones. To do this, you will be redirected to the editing page immediately after creating. To create an entry, click on the button + Add item (1.) and then select whether you want to create a Task or Milestone (2.).
Information: How to create a new schedule is shown in the following article: How do I create a schedule?

When you create a task, a window opens. Define the Title, Start date, Duration, Date due (yellow highlighted areas) and optionally add a note to the task. At the Superordinate level (1.) you can subordinate the activity to another activity or milestone. In the To be completed by (2.) field, you can assign the activity to a project participant. In the Progress (3.) field, you can define the progress of the activity. Save the activity by clicking on the Save button (4.).

When you create a milestone, a window opens. Define a title, due date and optionally a note (yellow highlighted areas). In the Superordinate level (2nd) field, you can subordinate the milestone to another milestone/procedure. Save the milestone by clicking on the Save button (2.).

Newly created activities and milestones are displayed directly in the table after saving.

Information: How to edit an already created schedule is shown in the following article: How do I edit a schedule?
Information: How to create a new schedule is shown in the following article: How do I create a schedule?

When you create a task, a window opens. Define the Title, Start date, Duration, Date due (yellow highlighted areas) and optionally add a note to the task. At the Superordinate level (1.) you can subordinate the activity to another activity or milestone. In the To be completed by (2.) field, you can assign the activity to a project participant. In the Progress (3.) field, you can define the progress of the activity. Save the activity by clicking on the Save button (4.).

When you create a milestone, a window opens. Define a title, due date and optionally a note (yellow highlighted areas). In the Superordinate level (2nd) field, you can subordinate the milestone to another milestone/procedure. Save the milestone by clicking on the Save button (2.).

Newly created activities and milestones are displayed directly in the table after saving.

Information: How to edit an already created schedule is shown in the following article: How do I edit a schedule?
Updated on: 25/09/2023
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