How do I edit an element?
Note: To be able to edit a schedule, you need the write permission.
The following article shows you how to set the rights: Rights management in a schedule
First click on Edit at the corresponding schedule.

You now have the possibility to move the element in the chart by staying on the left mouse button and moving it to the desired date.

For the second possibility you can click on the element (1.). A window opens and you can click on the edit button (2.).

A new window will open. Here you can change the title (1.), adjust the date (2.) and define the level (3.). The superordinate level determines under which operation the element is classified. If no superordinate level is specified, the element is displayed on the first level. You can also add the person who is responsible (4.). You can also add, change or supplement notes (5.). You can adjust the Progress (6.) using the arrow keys or by moving the point. Then click on Save (7.) so that the new information is applied.

The following article shows you how to set the rights: Rights management in a schedule
First click on Edit at the corresponding schedule.

You now have the possibility to move the element in the chart by staying on the left mouse button and moving it to the desired date.

For the second possibility you can click on the element (1.). A window opens and you can click on the edit button (2.).

A new window will open. Here you can change the title (1.), adjust the date (2.) and define the level (3.). The superordinate level determines under which operation the element is classified. If no superordinate level is specified, the element is displayed on the first level. You can also add the person who is responsible (4.). You can also add, change or supplement notes (5.). You can adjust the Progress (6.) using the arrow keys or by moving the point. Then click on Save (7.) so that the new information is applied.

Updated on: 25/09/2023
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