Articles on: Files

How do I import a BCF file?

Click on Tasks (1.), then on the Import button (2.) and then on BCF file (3.).

A new window opens in which you can either drag and drop the BCF file directly or add it by clicking on select.

As soon as the file has been uploaded completely, you can complete the BCF import. You can make assignments to persons in the search field highlighted in yellow. You can then save the assignments by clicking on the Save assignments button (1.). You also have the option of generating BCF tasks directly. To do this, click on the Generate tasks button (2.). Next, you can define the status by clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting the desired status (3.). You can then click on the Close button (4.) or delete the file again by clicking on the DeleteBCF button (5.).

You will now find your open BCF imports in the overview of tasks. You can expand or collapse the menu by clicking on the ^ arrow.

If you click on one of the files listed there, the window opens again so that you can edit the BCF import again if necessary. You can Close the BCF file, Delete, Resave assignments and Generate tasks (1.). You have the option of selecting a different model and deleting the selected plan in advance (2.). You can change the assignment to the persons by clicking on the respective delete button (3.) and then selecting the person (3.) and changing the status (4.).

Note: If the same BCF report is uploaded again, the task already created from it is updated. The BCF 3.0 and 2.1 format is supported.

Updated on: 28/01/2025

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