Articles on: Acceptances

How do I continue processing an acceptance in the web version?

Click Picks (1.) in the menu. Now you can see an overview of all acceptances that were previously recorded in the smino app.

=> How do I create an acceptance in the web version? or How do I create a new acceptance (App) ?

You have the possibility to filter your offtakes by status, title, date of collection, person and entrepreneur (fields highlighted in yellow). You can view an individual acceptance in detail by clicking on it (2.).

editing options for acceptances with status Draft:.

You can click on an individual defect (1.) in the "Defects" area of the detailed view of the acceptance and then edit it. You can filter the defects. In addition, an export of the acceptance can be generated by clicking on the three dots (2.) and then clicking on Export inspection report (3.).

Detailed view of a defect Status "Draft":

You can change the defect to a task (1.).
In the yellow marked fields you can change / add the information.
With a click on the "Person-Button " (2.) you determine if only you or all employees of your company in the project are allowed to edit the defect.
If you click on the "x " (3.), you can determine a new responsible person(s).
By clicking on the + Add plan marker button (4.) you set a plan marker.
Add further attachments like plans (5.), documents (6.), files (7.) and images (8.).
With a click on the respective button, you can Cancel (9.) the editing, Delete (10.) the Draft, Save the draft again as draft (11.) or Save and assign the defect now (12.).
You also have the option to add a subtask or form field (13.).

editing options for acceptances with status Open:.

You can click on a single defect (1.) in the "Defects" area of the detailed view of the acceptance test. Clicking opens a page window (area highlighted in yellow) where you can make the same settings as when you double-click.

Detailed view of a defect Status "open":

You can change the status (1.) by clicking on the respective field.
You can edit the task with the edit button (2.).
Start a conversation about the mangle directly from here by clicking the + New conversation button (3.).
You can copy the ironer by clicking the Duplicate (4.) button.

Click on the three dots at the top (1.). Here you can send a mail to the responsible person (2.), export the task (3.), download the attachments (4.) or create a task template (5.).

Updated on: 25/09/2023

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