How do I edit documents directly on smino?
Word, Excel and PowerPoint files can be edited directly on the document platform. Navigate to the detail page of the desired file by first clicking Files (1.), then go to Documents (2.), open the desired folder (3.) and click the file (4.).

Next select the Edit button above the file preview.

Edit your file and save the draft by clicking the Save as draft button.
Information: Files can also be edited in real time in a team. Other people can have the document open at the same time and track your changes directly or make changes themselves at the same time.

After you have saved your draft, the drafts appear below the preview. Click on the three dots (1.) to open the action menu and download, publish or delete the file (2.).

If you want to publish your draft, the question appears for safety whether you really want to publish this draft. Confirm the action by clicking the Yes button.

If you want to delete your draft, the question whether you really want to delete this draft appears for safety. Confirm the action by clicking the Yes button.

Information: Below the preview all published versions are located and available for download.
Click on the three dots (1.) and then on Download (2.) to start the download.

Next select the Edit button above the file preview.

Edit your file and save the draft by clicking the Save as draft button.
Information: Files can also be edited in real time in a team. Other people can have the document open at the same time and track your changes directly or make changes themselves at the same time.

After you have saved your draft, the drafts appear below the preview. Click on the three dots (1.) to open the action menu and download, publish or delete the file (2.).

If you want to publish your draft, the question appears for safety whether you really want to publish this draft. Confirm the action by clicking the Yes button.

If you want to delete your draft, the question whether you really want to delete this draft appears for safety. Confirm the action by clicking the Yes button.

Information: Below the preview all published versions are located and available for download.
Click on the three dots (1.) and then on Download (2.) to start the download.

Updated on: 27/11/2023
Thank you!