How do I create a new journal?
Click on (1.) and then on one of the two buttons + New Journal (2.). Define a journal name (yellow highlighted area) and select the location (1.). You can either enter the address in the search field (green highlighted area) or set the marker on the map manually. If you do not want to enter a location, click on the No position information button (2.). Then click oFew readersHow do I change the write and read rights of my journals?
Navigate to the desired journal and click on 3 dots (1.). Then click on Rights management (2.). A new window opens. Decide whether you want to grant rights to entire rols (1.), entire orFew readersHow do I create an export of my journal / construction diary?
In the menu item Journals (1.), open the corresponding journal that you want to export. Click on the three dots (2.) at the top right and then click on Export Entries (3.). A new window opens. Select the time period for the export Time span (1.), the data Configuration (2.) to be exported in addition to the text and choose the Format PDF or Word (3.). To finish click on Export (Few readersWhat can the History function in the Journal do?
A history is attached under each entry in the journal. The history can be expanded by clicking on the arrow symbol. Every change is documented in detail: Action - What was done to the document When - Time of the change Who - Who made the change What - Which area was adjusted From - Original text or note According to - New text or note ( readers