How do I create a people group?
Groups of people can be created for tasks, logs, acceptance and conversations. First click on (1.) and then select the button (2.).
A new window will open. To create a new distribution group, select one of the two buttons + Create person group.PopularHow do I release tasks in the organisation?
There are three ways to make or adjust this setting:
Direct: When the task is created (except in a protocol).
Subsequently: Under "Tasks".
Subsequently: In the respective protocol, in the detailed task overview.Some readersHow do I delete a task template?
Click on your name (1.) and then on organisation (2.).
Now you can click on Templates (1.) and then in the Tasks area (2.) select the Trash button (3.) for the template you want to delete.Some readersWhat can people who are on the distribution list of a task do?
The people who are added to the distribution list of a task can:
start a new conversation about the task / join the conversation. =How do I start a conversation?
keep an eye on the task - even if they are not the person responsible for the task.
If you need to keep dialling the same group of people, you can also create a distribution group. You can find out how to create a distribution group here = How do I cFew readersHow do I assign a task to an IFC model?
Go to (1.) in the menu and then select the desired file by clicking on it. This will take you to the overview of the selected model, where you will see the "Preview" area. Now click on the part to which you want to add a task (2.). The selected area will be displayed in blue color. Then you can click on the "Create task - button " (3.).
A new window will open. Here you fillFew readersHow do I edit a task?
Click on Tasks (1.) and then on the pencil symbol (2.) for the task to be edited.
In the new window you can now edit all the details again.
You can change the type to "Deficiency " (1.), redefine the title (2.) and deteFew readersHow do I add form fields like checkbox, dropdown and textbox to a task?
To add a form field, select the appropriate task where you would like to add the form fields and click .
A new window will open with form fields where you have the choice of "Add checkbox " (1.), "Add dropdown " (2.) and "Add text field " (3.).
If you have selectedFew readersHow do I create a task?
To create a new task, click on (1.) in the menu on the left and then on the button (2.) in the top right.
A new window will open and you should complete the following mandatory information:
Short description - Select the title of the task.
To be done by - Select yourself or assign the task to a contact.
Date due - Define a dFew readersHow do I export tasks and subtasks?
To export tasks and subtasks, click in the menu (1.) and then click the Export Tasks button in the Tasks overview (2.).
A new window will open. Here you can select which additional information you want to export by clicking the Checkboxes (1.). Subsequently, you choose whether you want to export the tasks and subtasks as PDF, Word, BCF or CSV (2.) and then tFew readersHow do I forward a task assigned to me?
If you want to pass on a task that has been assigned to you to someone else, you can do this as follows:
First click Tasks (1.) and then click the task (2.) you want to assign to someone else.
A new window will open. You will see the task in detail again and can now click the Forward button.
The task opens.Few readersWho sees a created task?
Tasks can be viewed by different people. This also depends on how the task was created. We distinguish two possibilities:
tasks from a log - view under logs:
All persons of the distribution list in the protocol can view the tasks in the respective protocol. The view can differ depending on the editing right:
Person without editing right:
For own tasks, the Status field (1.) can be changed.
For external tasks, the status can only be viewed and not changed (2.).
(hFew readersHow do I delete a task?
Navigate to the task (1.) that you want to delete. Click on it once to open the side window. Then click on the three dots (2.) and then on Move to Trash (3.).
For security reasons, you must confirm the move. The task is moved to the recycle bin, where you can restore it at any time. How does the recycle bin work?
(httpsFew readersWhat can my dashboard do?
To open the Dashboard, click the round in the navigation bar (black bar).
shows a graphical representation of the open, overdue and released for review tasks.
shows the currently active filters. They can be removed by clicking on the "X ". 3.
Displays the open, overdue and released for review tasks. You can click on a task and you will be taken direcFew readersWhat does the status mean in a task?
After creating a task, the status is automatically set to .
The person to whom the task was assigned has the option to change the task to For Review after it is completed. The author of the task will be notified of the status change.
If the author sets the task to Completed, the task is considered completed. However, the author also has the option to set the task back to open or rejected.
The double check ensures that no tasks can be set to Done eveFew readersHow do I create a task using a task template?
To create a task using a task template, click (1.) in the menu and then click the Import button (2.). Then in the pop-up window click Task Template (3.).
A window will open. Here you can select/click the Task template (1.) you want to use. Confirm the selection by clicking the Import button (2.).Few readersHow do I create a task template?
You can create a template from any existing task. To create a template, click (1.) and then select the Task (2.) from which you want to create a template.
(https:/Few readersHow do I create a subtask?
To create a subtask, click (1.) in the menu. Then select the task (2.) to which you want to add a subtask. Tasks for which subtasks have already been entered are displayed with an icon (3.).
Click the Edit button in the task.
To create a subtask in this task click the + Add SubFew readersHow do I add subtasks to a task?
To create a subtask, open the task where you want to create a subtask and click on the button at the bottom.
A new task window will open where you can enter the subtask. There is an option to create multiple subtasks. You can save the subtask
"Save as draft " (1.) or directly "Save and Assign " (2.).
( readersHow do I sketch and mark up on preview images of a markup?
Create a new task or edit an already created task in draft mode. Add a marker to the task. In the marker preview screen, you now have the option to sketch and mark on the image.
To sketch something onto the preview image, click on the Pen button (1.). Then select the Line color (2.) as well as theFew readersHow do I create a task directly from a plan?
Navigate to the desired plan and click on the position in the plan for which you want to enter a task. A check mark will appear on it. Click on the .
Now the window opens in which you can enter the task. Enter at least all mandatory data (yellow marked areas) and add various attachments if required. After that you can either save the task as Draft (1.) or directly SavFew readersHow do I filter and sort subtasks?
To filter subtasks, go to Tasks (1.) in the menu. Here you can filter under Subtasks (2.). If you set the filter to All collapsed (3.), the subtasks are hidden. The tasks that contain subtasks are displayed with a black arrow icon in front of the task (4.).
If you set the filter to All unfolded (3.), the subtasks will be displayed below the task with a cFew readersHow do I add people and/or distribution groups to the distribution list of a task?
When you create a new task, you have the option to add individuals and/or distribution groups to the task's distribution list. This way you can make a task visible to several people (same principle as the CC function for an email).
How to create a distribution group for tasks can be found here: How to create a distribution group for tasks.
How to create a task can be found here: How to create a task (Few readersWhere can I find tasks from the protocol?
Tasks from a protocol are listed in each case in the session series and can be seen with the responsible person in the menu under Tasks.
Task list in the session series:
All tasks created in a protocol of the session series are listed in the task list.
(httpFew readersHow do I change the status of a task?
You can change the status of a task on the one hand in the task list, on the other hand on the detail page of the task.
In the task list:
Click in the overview under Tasks on the status of the desired task and choose
from the options that are offered to you.
You are the creator of the task: You can select all options.
You have been assigned the task: You can only change the status to .
( readersHow do I define my own task type?
Click on the Project settings menu on the left (1.) and scroll down to Task Types configuration. There, click on Edit (2.).
Now select + Add another task type.
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