Rights and roles within the organization
To set the rights and roles of your employees, click on your (1.) and then on organization (2.).
Next, click the Manage Employees button in the Employees section.
A new window will open. Set the respective right at the desired person by clicking on the respective checkbox.Some readersWhat can organization admins do?
As an organization admin, you can assign the and "Organization project management " permissions and add employees to the organization:
Click Your Name (1.) and then click Organization (2.). Next, click on the Manage Employees button (3.).
A new window opens. By selecting or deselecting the checkboxes (1.), you can determine which eFew readersHow can I add / remove employees from a project
Click on Your Name (1.) and then on (2.).
You will get to your project overview. Click on the 3 dots (1.) for the project to which you want to add employees and then on Edit (2.).Few readersHow do I add employees to my organization?
In order for your employees to work on smino, they must have a smino login and belong to your organization on smino.
Basically, there are two options:
as an organization admin, create the accounts for your employees:
Click on your name (1.) and then on organization (2.).
Select the Manage Employees button.
(https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/7ffe47b65f73d800/imagehi5cFew readersHow can I subsequently assign employees a function in the project?
There are several ways to subsequently assign a function in the project to an employee.
1st option:
Click on your name (1.) and then on projects (2.).
Click oFew readersHow do I adjust the organisation information
Click on your (1.) and then on (2.).
Here you can now edit your own organisation details.
Click on the Edit button in the first field.
(https://storage.crisp.chFew readersHow do I buy and manage licenses?
Click on your name (1.) and then on organization (2.). After that click on Licenses (3.).
You will now see an overview of your purchased licenses and to whom they have been assigned. Click on the button ManageFew readersHow do I remove an employee from my organisation?
Click on your name (1.) and then on organisation (2.).
Click on the button Manage Employees.
A new window opens. You will see all tFew readersHow do I assign licenses to external persons?
Click on your (1.) and then on Organization (2.). Next, select Licenses (3.).
Click the Manage licenses button.
A new window will open. In the search field (yellow highlighted area), enter the e-mail address of the external person to whom you want to assign the license.
(Few readersHow to create export templates?
smino offers you the possibility to personalize the header for export and, for example, insert your organization logo. As long as the protocol is in draft, the logo of the creator is displayed when exporting the protocol. As soon as the protocol is published, the logo of the organization publishing the protocol is displayed.Few readersHow do I delete an acceptance template?
Click on your name (1.) and then on Organisation (2.).
Now you can click on Templates (1.) and then navigate to the Acceptances (2.) section. Next, click on the Trash button (3.) for the templFew readersHow do I enter an organization with different locations?
If you belong to more than one organization, you must create a separate personal profile with a separate mail address for each of the different organizations.
If the different sites act independently, create a separate organization per site with different organization admins.
If yourFew readersHow to verify a webhook call?
In this article, we will show you how to verify webhook calls in your application. This verification ensures that the webhook call actually comes from the expected source (smino api) by using a SHA512 hash generated with a secret key, a timestamp and an event ID.
A webhook has been set up and a secret has been defined. The webhook call contains a header (x-hook-signature) that contains the hash sent by the server.
Verification of a webhook caFew readersHow do I create a webhook?
A webhook is a URL that automatically receives data when a specific event occurs in an application on smino.
To create a webhook, proceed as follows:
Click on your name (1.) and then on Organization (2.). Here, you will find the Automation menu (3.). Click on the + Create Webhook button (4.).
In the next window, you can define a name (1.), enter the URL (2.), and set a passwordFew readers