How do I send out an invitation to the meeting?
Navigate to the desired protocol and click on the button . Enter the following information: Details: Enter the location as well as the date on which the session will take place. Define a start time and optionally an end time (fields marked yellow). Session content: Enter a text in the Description field (yellow highlighted field) if required. ThiSome readersHow do I create a new session series?
Click on (1.) and select a session serie (2.). Click on one of the two buttons + New Session Series. Fill in at least the mandatory information (yellow highlighted areas). Optionally, select the ExpSome readersHow can another person collaborate on my protocol?
1st option: Navigate to the overview of the session series and click on the three color 000000 (*Few readersHow do I delete a series of sessions?
When all protocols in the session series have been deleted, the session series itself can also be deleted. To do this, click on the button . How to delete a protocol can be found here: How do I delete a protocol? For security reasons, you will be asked again if you want to delete the session series. CliFew readersRights management - Who sees my protocols?
The following persons have access to the protocols: Persons who are listed in the distribution list of the protocols. (see picture below) Persons with write access to protocols of the series of meetings. Persons with the right to read the protocols of the series of meetings. You can see how to grant read and write access to other persons here = How can another person collaborate on my protocol ( readersHow do I define a protocol export template for a session series?
First click on (1.) and then on the desired Session Series Category (2.). Possibility: Click on the 3 dots (1.) an then on Settings (2.). A new window opens in which you can define the export template. Click on Export template (1.) and select a template. Then youFew readers